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Terms and conditions

Manage your home loan, savings and everyday accounts online with myRAMS

Terms and Conditions and important information for myRAMS - Effective 4 August 2022

You must read these terms and conditions carefully before using myRAMS because you will be bound by them when you use myRAMS. 

If you do not understand any part of these terms and conditions, or if you have any questions, please call the RAMS Customer Service Team on 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267 (or +61 2 9647 6967 if outside Australia) during contact centre hours, or via email at

1. About these terms and conditions

We, being Westpac Banking Corporation (ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714) and our successors and assigns, enter into this agreement on our own behalf and on behalf of RAMS.

When you first use myRAMS, you accept these terms and conditions and become bound by them. They form the agreement between you and us as to your use of myRAMS.  

These terms and conditions apply in addition to the terms of the loan agreement you have with us and the deposit terms and conditions and general information for any Account you access using myRAMS. If there is an inconsistency between them, these terms and conditions prevail in respect of EFT transactions and Biller Payments. 

Some words used in these terms and conditions have special meanings as given in clause 29. 

2. Accessing myRAMS

2.1 Can you use myRAMS?

You can use myRAMS if:  

  • you are 18 years of age or over
  • you are an individual (not a body corporate) and you do not hold the account as a trustee of a trust or a superannuation fund, or on behalf of a deceased estate or pursuant to a power of attorney or under a guardianship order
  • you successfully register for myRAMS (for more information on how to register for myRAMS, see our website) 
  • we have not exercised any right under these terms and conditions to terminate or suspend your access to myRAMS  

Please note that if you hold the account pursuant to a power of attorney or under another valid authority (e.g. order of a Court or Tribunal), you will need to contact the Customer Service Team on 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267, during contact centre hours to conduct any account servicing.  

2.2 Account

An Account is an account you have in your own name or a joint account you have but only if both account holders have authorised us to act on the instructions of any one of the account holders, where the account is managed by RAMS and accessible using myRAMS.  

The following types of accounts are Accessible Accounts:   

  • each home loan account established for recording transactions in connection with a home loan that was originated by RAMS,
  • each RAMS deposit account, and
  • any other account which we advise from time to time is accessible using myRAMS.  

If you successfully register for myRAMS, all the accounts under your customer ID number which are Accessible Accounts can be accessed using myRAMS.

If the identity of an account holder or any of the signatories to an account is not verified in terms of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006, the account will be blocked for all withdrawals, including withdrawals using myRAMS, until the identities of all account holders are verified. 

2.3 Password

You require a password in order to transact on Accessible Accounts using myRAMS.

If you are a joint Account holder, each Account holder requires their own myRAMS Password.

In selecting your myRAMS Password you must comply with clause 13.2.

You must keep your myRAMS Password secret - see clause 13.

2.4 Logging in

After you have registered for myRAMS, you must log in and complete the new user process in myRAMS. Once you have done this, you can simply log in to myRAMS ( from a computer or a suitable mobile device using your customer ID number and your myRAMS Password, and start transacting on your Accessible Accounts. 

See clause 13.1 for alternate ways you may be able to log in to myRAMS Mobile after you have logged in myRAMS Mobile using your customer ID number and your myRAMS Password.

2.5 Fees and charges

If you use myRAMS to effect a transaction on an Account, then you may incur a fee or a government charge (or both) in accordance with the terms and conditions applicable to that Account.

Information on standard fees and charges is available on request from RAMS. 

2.6 Service provider charges

An active internet connection is required to use myRAMS. You are responsible for any fees incurred from your internet or mobile service provider in using myRAMS. Any matters relating to those charges should be raised with your internet or mobile service provider. 

When travelling overseas, you can continue to access myRAMS. If you deactivate your mobile device while overseas or if you do not have international roaming enabled, you may not be able to access all features of myRAMS (for example, those features which require SMS Security – see clause 7). If you access myRAMS using your mobile device then we recommend contacting your mobile service provider to check additional fees or charges that may be incurred in using your mobile device outside of Australia (e.g. roaming charges). 

3. What can you do using myRAMS?

3.1 Using myRAMS on a computer or mobile device

What you can do using myRAMS will differ depending on whether you access myRAMS using a computer or your mobile device. 

If you access myRAMS, you can:

What you can do using myRAMS Accessing myRAMS from a computer Accessing myRAMS from your mobile device
View secure messages from us  Yes      Yes
View all your Accounts, BSB and Account numbers, and current and available balances of all your Accounts  Yes Yes
View and add other external bank accounts   No Yes
View and search the transaction history on each of your Accounts  Yes No
View information about each of your Accounts including product name, if your deposit account (if you have one) is linked to an eligible RAMS home loan for offset purposes, credit and debit interest rates, current and available balances, uncleared funds  Yes Yes
Export your transaction history to CSV  Yes      No
View Account information including credit interest paid and any withholding tax deducted, debit interest charged, and the amount of interest saved on an eligible RAMS home loan as a result of an interest offset account for the current and previous financial year  Yes Yes
Switch to eStatement and download eStatement^ in PDF format - to view pdf you will need to install Adobe® Acrobat® software   Yes No
 Transfer money between your Accessible Accounts  Yes Yes
 Transfer money to third party accounts   Yes Yes
 Schedule money transfers in advance  Yes Yes
 Pay bills using BPAY® (using the "Move Money" facility) (where the product allows access using BPAY)    Yes Yes
 Schedule Biller Payments in advance of the actual payment or transfer date  Yes Yes
 View or add Payees and Billers  Yes Yes
 Delete Payees or Billers  Yes Yes
 View or delete a scheduled transaction  Yes Yes
 Apply for a RAMS deposit product online  Yes No
 Request a redraw on your home loan by transferring funds from your home loan account to another Account  Yes Yes
 Update your contact details  Yes Yes
 Update your Tax File Number and Foreign Tax Information  Yes No
 Update your myRAMS password   Yes Yes
 Update your myRAMS Mobile PIN  No Yes
 Change your daily transfer limit for a Payee and Biller   Yes No
 Select method of notification using email or SMS.   Yes No
 Change your SMS notification times Yes No
 Change your Card PIN Yes Yes

^You can access your statements online for the past 7 years for RAMS deposit accounts. For any other Account that can be accessed using myRAMS: (a) if you elected before 1 May 2015 to access statements for an Account online, you can access statements for that Account online from the date that you made your election or (b) if you elected on or after 1 May 2015 to access statements for an Account online, you can access online statements which have been issued in or after May 2015 for that Account at no extra cost (see clause 12).

Note: if you have elected to receive statements in the mail, you will be unable to access these statements online.

3.2 Restrictions

The activities and features set out in clause 3.1 are all subject to these terms and conditions - for example, there are limits on the values of transactions that may be made using myRAMS (see clause 8).

myRAMS does not permit money transfers or Biller Payments to certain Payees and Billers.

You warrant that your use of myRAMS will not breach any law of Australia or any other country.

4. Transferring money

You can transfer money using the "Move Money" facility.

To make the transfer, you must enter the information required. This may include the following details:  

  • BSB number of the account to which the transfer is to be made
  • account number of the account to which the transfer is to be made
  • account name of the account to which the transfer is to be made
  • the amount to transfer
  • a short description of the transaction (which will appear on your Account statement and the account statement of the other financial institution) 
  • the account to be debited for the payment, and
  • the first and last transfer dates and the transfer frequency (for transfers being scheduled using the "Transfer Later" option).  

We need not process your transaction if this information is incomplete or if the transaction would not comply with a provision of this agreement - for example, the limits under clause 8.

We only use the BSB and account number to process money transfers. Please carefully check the details you have entered before confirming a transaction as we do not check the account name you provide. Sometimes, the financial institution receiving the funds may check the account name and reject the transfer if the account name is incorrect. However, neither we nor the receiving financial institution are obliged to check the account name.

We do not verify account details for any third party accounts. For this reason, please be careful when sending funds to third party accounts, and as a matter of course, check your transaction lists regularly.

We cannot reverse transactions you make in error, either to RAMS or non-RAMS accounts. Should an amount sent by you in error not be returned automatically by the receiving financial institution, it may not be recoverable at all (see further clause 17 for mistaken Biller Payments or clause 18 for mistaken internet payments).

5. Paying bills using BPAY

5.1 How BPAY works 

Not all RAMS accounts allow access using BPAY. Check the terms and conditions of your account to see whether BPAY is available on your account type.

We are a member of the BPAY scheme. The BPAY scheme is an electronic payments scheme through which you can ask us to make payments on your behalf to organisations (Billers) who tell you that you can make payments to them through the BPAY scheme (Biller Payments). We will tell you if we are no longer a member of the BPAY scheme. For the purposes of the BPAY scheme, we may also be a Biller.

Biller Payment transactions which you make using the "Move Money" facility are processed through the BPAY scheme. Bills which you can pay in this way display the BPAY logo and Biller reference details as well as the types of accounts the Biller accepts payment from (for example, cheque or savings).

When you see the BPAY symbol on a bill, you can pay that bill through myRAMS. It's a simple and convenient way to pay your bills. All you need is your bill - then simply access myRAMS. By using BPAY you will be able to:  

  • pay bills 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • schedule future-dated Biller Payments
  • choose which Account to use to pay a bill
  • obtain a receipt number 

To make a Biller Payment, you must enter the following information: 

  • the Biller code
  • the Biller customer reference number
  • the amount to pay
  • a short description of the transaction (which will appear on your account statement)
  • the account to be debited for the payment, and
  • the first and last payment dates and the payment frequency (for payments being scheduled using the "When " option in the “Move Money” facility).  

We then debit the relevant account with the amount of that Biller Payment.

However, we need not process your transaction if this information is incomplete or if the transaction would not comply with a provision of these terms and conditions - for example, the limits under clause 8.

You must comply with the terms and conditions applying to the account to which you request us to debit a Biller Payment, to the extent that those account terms are not inconsistent with or expressly overridden by the BPAY provisions set out in these terms and conditions. The BPAY provisions set out in these terms and conditions are in addition to those terms.

Please carefully check the payment amount and Biller details you have entered before confirming a transaction as mistakes cannot always be rectified - see clause 17.

5.2 Individual Biller payment requirements

Individual Billers may have their own payment requirements. If you attempt to make a Biller Payment to a Biller that does not satisfy their Biller requirements, you will receive an error message (we do not determine the Biller requirements and cannot identify these before you make your payment). Individual Biller Payment requirements include:  

  • Billers who will only receive payment of the exact amount owing.
  • Billers who only receive payment prior to or on the expiry date of the bill.
  • Billers who only receive payment for the exact amount owing and prior to or on the expiry date of the bill.
  • Billers who receive payment of any amount, on any date, including a date prior to, on or after the expiry date of the bill.  

5.3 You indemnify us 

You indemnify us against any loss or damage we suffer or may suffer as a result of any claim, demand or action brought against us, directly or indirectly because you acted negligently or fraudulently in connection with the provisions of these terms and conditions relating to Biller Payments or BPAY.

6. Scheduling Biller Payments or money transfers using the "When" option in the “Move Money” facility

The "When" option in the “Move money” facility enables you to schedule a money transfer or Biller Payment for a later date (or a series of recurring money transfers or Biller Payments for later dates). Cleared funds must be available in the Account the day before the payment is made and remain in the Account until the payment is made. When scheduling multiple payments and choosing an end date, please note that the 'Ending Date' is the date your scheduled payments will expire, and no payment will be processed on or after this date. 

7. SMS Security and SMS Notifications

7.1 What is SMS Security? 

SMS Security gives extra protection when you use myRAMS to do one of the following by sending an SMS with a code to a mobile phone number nominated by you:  

  • make certain Biller Payments to a new Biller;
  • make certain money transfers to a new Payee;
  • de-register from SMS Security;
  • view and change your personal details or account settings, Tax File Number, Foreign Tax Information; 
  • change your password; 
  • change your RAMS debit card PIN; 
  • change your daily transfer limit for payments to Payees or Billers; or
  • add a new Payee or Biller.  

If you have a RAMS deposit account, you are automatically registered for SMS Security on all your RAMS Accounts. You cannot opt-out of SMS Security while you have a RAMS deposit account.

The mobile phone number you provide for SMS Security must be unique and personal to you. You cannot share the same mobile phone number with another RAMS customer. 

7.2 How does SMS Security work?

If you are registered for SMS Security, then when you:  

  • make your first Biller Payment or money transfer to a new Biller or Payee; or
  • view or change your personal details, account settings, Tax File Number or Foreign Tax Information; or
  • change your password; or
  • change your RAMS debit card PIN; or
  • de-register from SMS Security; or
  • change your daily transfer limit for payments to Payees and Billers; or
  • add a new Payee or Biller, 

we try (without any legal obligation) to send a security code by SMS to your nominated mobile phone number. You must then enter the code as part of the process in order to confirm the transaction or change. We send a new security code for each transaction - the security code is valid only for that transaction and you do not need to memorise it for future use.

If you no longer have access to your nominated mobile phone number, for security reasons you can only change the mobile number by calling 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267, during contact centre hours.

If you are registered for SMS Security, your daily limit for transactions is higher (see clause 8.2) and your liability under clause 15 may be correspondingly higher.

If you are not registered for SMS Security, you will not be able to:  

  • make a Biller Payment or money transfer to a new Biller or Payee; or
  • view or change your personal details or account settings; or
  • change your password; or
  • change your RAMS debit card PIN; or
  • change your daily transfer limit.  

7.3 What is SMS Notifications?

SMS Notifications is an alerts service which gives extra protection when you are registered for myRAMS as it may potentially alert you to unauthorised transactions on your Account using myRAMS.

7.4 How does SMS Notifications work?

If you are registered for SMS Notifications then, each time there is a myRAMS transaction for a Biller Payment or money transfer from your Account which is above the threshold amount nominated by you, we try (without any legal obligation) to send an SMS message to your nominated mobile phone number confirming the transaction.

However, the SMS Notifications service does not apply to scheduled Biller Payments or money transfers using the "When" option in the “Move money” facility or to the crediting or debiting of interest to your Account - we do not send an SMS message when such payments or transfers are made.

7.5 Registering for SMS Security or SMS Notifications

You can register for and update “SMS Security” and “SMS Notifications” by calling the RAMS Customer Service Team on 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267, during contact centre hours and providing the required information. Please note, you are unable to update your mobile phone number for SMS Security or SMS Notifications through myRAMS.

The required information you must provide when you call the RAMS Customer Service Team will include the mobile phone number to which the security codes or SMS confirmations are to be sent. You should update this information as necessary - such as if you change your mobile phone number. If you do not provide us with your correct mobile phone number, you may not receive the security codes or SMS confirmations. 

If you do not hold a RAMS deposit account, you may de-register from SMS Security by calling the RAMS Customer Service Team on 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267. You cannot de-register from SMS Security while you hold a RAMS deposit account. If you de-register from SMS Security you will no longer be able to perform certain functions - see clause 7.2 for more information.

8. Limits for money transfers and Biller Payments

8.1 Available funds 

Each money transfer or Biller Payment (including a scheduled transfer or payment) is limited to:

(a) for home loans, the available redraw on the Account from which the transfer or payment is being made; or

(b) for deposit accounts, the cleared funds in the Account from which the transfer or payment is being made.

Generally, the available redraw or cleared funds for these purposes are measured at the time we process the transaction. Therefore, on any day for which a transaction has been scheduled, you should ensure you have sufficient available redraw or cleared funds to cover that scheduled transaction.

8.2 Daily limits

For money transfers to Payees, the amount of all payments and transfers made from all of your Accounts on a day using myRAMS (including payments and transfers scheduled to be made on that day) must not exceed the relevant daily limit. If you are registered for SMS Security, you can nominate your daily limit for money transfers to Payees to be between $1,000 and $50,000, in set increments.

For Biller Payments, the amount of all payments and transfers made from all of your Accounts on a day using myRAMS (including payments and transfers scheduled to be made on that day) must not exceed the relevant daily limit. If you are registered for SMS Security, you can nominate your daily limit to be between $1,000 and $25,000, in set increments.

If you do not nominate a daily limit the default daily limits will apply. These are $5,000 for money transfers to Payees and $2,500 for Biller Payments.

If you increase your daily limit this will increase your risk that an unauthorised person with knowledge of your Access Codes may make larger withdrawals on the Account(s).

Any transfer from one of your Accounts to another of your Accounts does not count for the purposes of the daily limit - you may transfer amounts between your own Accounts without limit as long as each transfer complies with clause 8.1.

For the purposes of the daily limit, a day ends at midnight.

We may change your daily limit in certain circumstances and may not always give you notice when we do so - see clause 24. You should check your daily limit in myRAMS before you initiate a money transfer or Biller Payment, to make sure that the payment falls within your current limit. 

Please note: Any scheduled money transfers and or scheduled Biller Payments set-up prior to you reducing your daily limit, will be processed as long as there are sufficient available funds held in your Account. If after reducing your daily limit you want all scheduled payments (set-up prior to the daily limit change) to fall within your new daily limit, you will need to change the amount of each scheduled transfer or Biller Payment via myRAMS.

Billers may impose additional limits on Biller Payments.

8.3 You are responsible for keeping to the limits

You must make sure that any transaction you make using myRAMS (including a scheduled transaction) is within these limits. If a transaction would result in a limit being exceeded, we may not process that transaction at all (that is, we do not process part of a transaction) and you will need to re-submit the transaction. If we do not process your transaction due to a limit being exceeded, you may also incur additional fees or charges from external parties.

9. When are transactions processed?

9.1 Processing times

When you make a transaction using myRAMS, you are asking us to process that transaction for you.

We do not guarantee processing times - however, the following processing times generally apply if you make a transaction and it includes complete and accurate details.

If you make a money transfer to a RAMS account held by another person or to an external institution before 4pm on any Banking Day then, generally, it is processed, or treated as having been processed, on that day. If you make a money transfer to a RAMS account held by another person or to an external institution after 4pm on a Banking Day or on a day which is not a Banking Day, it is generally processed, or treated as having been processed, on the next Banking Day. In addition, it generally takes at least 1 Banking Day for a transfer to be received by the Payee - this period may be affected by the conduct of the receiving financial institution (for which we are not responsible).

If you make a money transfer to one of your own Accounts, the transfer will be processed immediately.

If you make a Biller Payment before 4pm on any Banking Day then, generally, it is processed, or treated as having been received by the relevant Biller, on that day. If you make the payment after 4pm or on a day which is not a Banking Day, it is generally received or treated as having been received by the relevant Biller on the next Banking Day. However, Biller Payment processing may be delayed (generally by one Banking Day but potentially longer) if payment is made on the day before a bank or public holiday or if another financial institution in the BPAY scheme, or the Biller, does not process the Biller Payment as soon as they receive its details.

If you make more than one transaction using myRAMS within a processing day, we may determine the order of processing those transactions.

9.2 Scheduled transactions

A transaction that is scheduled for a Banking Day is generally processed, or treated as having been processed, on that day. If the date for a scheduled transaction is not a Banking Day, it is generally processed, or treated as having been processed, on the next Banking Day.

We recommend that, after the due date for a scheduled transaction, you check to ensure it was processed.

If a transaction is scheduled for a date after your use of myRAMS is terminated, the transaction will not be processed.

9.3 If a transaction cannot be processed by the recipient

If we are advised that: 

  • a Biller Payment cannot be processed by a Biller, or
  • a money transfer cannot be processed by the receiving financial institution,
  • we credit the relevant Account with the amount of the Biller Payment or money transfer. We will not notify you if this occurs. 

9.4 Transactions may not always be processed by us

We may suspend or deny your access to myRAMS, delay processing a transaction or refuse to process a transaction in the following circumstances:  

  • if we suspect fraudulent use of myRAMS
  • if your Accounts are closed
  • to comply with our regulatory and compliance obligations (including under anti money laundering, counter terrorism financing and other laws)
  • to comply with a court order (or similar requirement)
  • if you materially breach these terms and conditions or become bankrupt, or
  • if we consider a security issue has arisen which needs further investigation (for example, where an incorrect password is entered on three consecutive occasions)
  • if your Account is held by more than one person and you request that the Account be operated jointly.   

10 Can you stop or alter a transaction?

10.1 Scheduled transactions

You may stop or alter a scheduled Biller Payment before 4pm on the day before the date for which the payment is scheduled by cancelling or altering the scheduled Biller Payment within myRAMS.

You may stop or alter a scheduled money transfer by instructing us:   

  • if you established the scheduled transfer via myRAMS:
  • by midnight (Sydney time) on the day before the date for which the payment is scheduled by cancelling or altering the scheduled money transfer within myRAMS: or
  • on the day before the date for which the payment is scheduled by contacting 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267 (or +61 2 9647 6967 if outside Australia) during contact centre hours.
  • if you established the scheduled transfer over the phone:
  • on the day before the date for which the payment is scheduled by contacting 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267 (or +61 2 9647 6967 if outside Australia) during contact centre hours.   

After these times, you cannot stop or alter a scheduled transaction.

10.2 Move money transactions 

Once you have made a money transfer or Biller Payment using the "When" option in the "Move money" facility, you cannot stop or alter that transaction.

11. Transaction records

11.1 Receipts

myRAMS produces a confirmation receipt on your screen for each transaction when it is made (other than a scheduled transaction). You should print this out or make a note of the receipt number, in case you have a later query regarding the transaction. You should also check the receipt and notify us of any error as soon as possible by calling 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267 during contact centre hours. Even though the receipt may be produced when you make the transaction, this does not affect the transaction processing time (which is described in clause 9).

For scheduled transactions, you will need to refer to your transaction history to confirm that a transaction has been processed. 

11.2 Check your statements and notify errors promptly

You should carefully check each Account record and statement when you receive it and notify us as soon as possible of:   

  • any error or delay in processing a Biller Payment or other transaction made from your Account using myRAMS, or
  • any payment or transaction which is unauthorised.  

You can notify us, or query any entry on your statement, by calling 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267 during contact centre hours.

12. Statements

Statements on RAMS deposit accounts are automatically provided via myRAMS. You can elect to receive statements on your other RAMS accounts via myRAMS, instead of having paper statements mailed to you. You may be able to make this election, on an account-by-account basis, via myRAMS. If you do so, you will stop receiving paper statements on the nominated account(s). However, you may elect to revert to paper statements at any time. You can do this by calling 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267 during contact centre hours.

We will send you an email notification to your nominated email address, advising you that your statement is available via myRAMS. It is your responsibility to check your email regularly for these notifications and to access your statement promptly following receipt of our email. You must also keep your nominated email address current and inform us if you are not able to access either your email or myRAMS for any reason. You cannot opt out of receiving these notifications; however you can vary your nominated email address for receipt of them at any time.

If you do not keep your email address current, we will be unable to send you email notifications.

13. myRAMS Access Codes

13.1 Security measures

Your Access Codes, including customer ID number and myRAMS Password, allow you to access your Account. We treat any instruction given through myRAMS as being from you. Because of this you must take special care to protect your Access Codes.

If you access myRAMS Mobile, you can access your myRAMS Mobile using your customer ID and myRAMS Password. You may be given the opportunity to select a myRAMS Mobile PIN or choose to use the fingerprints or FaceID you store on your mobile device for accessing myRAMS Mobile through your mobile device. Selecting a myRAMS Mobile PIN or selecting to use the stored fingerprint(s) or FaceID to log into myRAMS Mobile are alternatives to entering your myRAMS Password each time. You can use a different myRAMS Mobile PIN for different mobile devices.

FaceID login is only available on iOS mobile phone devices. You will not be given the opportunity to register for fingerprint or FaceID login unless you have a home screen lock on your mobile device and there is at least one fingerprint or FaceID stored on your mobile device. If you wish to use the fingerprint sensor in connection with myRAMS Mobile, you should ensure that only your fingerprints are stored on your mobile device, as activating fingerprint login means that any fingerprint saved on your device, now or in the future, can access myRAMS. Only set up fingerprint login if no-one else has added their fingerprints to your mobile device. Each time fingerprint login is registered on the mobile device to authorise transactions through myRAMS Mobile, you instruct us to act on these instructions. The device and operating system manufacturers are responsible for the security and reliability of your device’s fingerprint or FaceID security features.

The following security measures for your myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN are important. However, they do not of themselves determine your liability for losses resulting from unauthorised transactions made using myRAMS - liability for any such losses is determined in accordance with clause 15.

13.2 Selecting your myRAMS Password

You may be required to change your myRAMS Password on initial access to myRAMS. You should also periodically change your myRAMS Password and your myRAMS Mobile PIN if you have chosen to establish one.

You may change your myRAMS Password by using the "Change Password" facility on myRAMS.

When setting your myRAMS Password you:

must use between 6  and 8 characters including at least one upper case letter and one number

must not select a password which reflects your   

  • name
  • birth date
  • car registration
  • telephone number
  • postcode
  • licence number, or
  • government benefit number or those of any member of your family, and
  • must not select a password with a simple pattern - for example, A1234567 and 1ABCDEFG and similar should not be used.   

You may change your myRAMS Mobile PIN by tapping on the “Change PIN” button on the home screen of the myRAMS app. 

13.3 Protecting your Access Codes 

To protect your myRAMS Access Codes you must:   

  • not tell them or show them to anyone (not even family or friends, RAMS staff (see below) or people in authority, such as police officers) nor allow them to be used or seen by any person
  • not record them on the computer or other equipment that you use to access myRAMS, unless you make a reasonable attempt to protect the security of the Access Code 
  • not keep a record of your myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN , unless you make a reasonable attempt to protect the security of the Access Code 
  • not keep a disguised record of your myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN together with your customer ID number on one item or separately on items which are liable to be lost or stolen together (for example in a bag, wallet, car or desk drawer), and
  • not tell your myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN to anyone who claims to represent us or RAMS (for example, RAMS never asks you for that information by phone or email).  

When accessing myRAMS, you must:   

  • take care to prevent anyone else seeing your Access Codes as you enter them into the computer, other electronic equipment or mobile device
  • not leave the computer or mobile device unattended while you are logged in to myRAMS
  • shut down all browser windows used to access myRAMS, log out when you have finished and ensure that the "back" function cannot be used to trace your activities, and
  • ensure the computer or mobile device is free from viruses and password recording programmes.   

As you cannot be sure of the virus protection on a public computer - such as at an airport, café or library - you must not access myRAMS using a public computer.

You are responsible for your computer's anti-virus and security measures and for maintaining your own computer or mobile device so that you can access myRAMS. If you access myRAMS Mobile then for additional security we recommend enabling or installing remote wipe functionality on your mobile phone in case your device is lost or stolen. If you sell, recycle, discard or permanently give your devices away, you will make sure you have deleted the myRAMS Mobile app and if you have biometric authentication activated for the myRAMS Mobile app on your device, you will disable that feature before you delete the myRAMS Mobile app.  

13.4 We may cancel your myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN

We may cancel your myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN without notice as part of our security procedures, if we reasonably believe it is being misused.

If you have chosen to use myRAMS Mobile PIN, fingerprint or FaceID login, and you enter your myRAMS Mobile PIN incorrectly, or myRAMS Mobile does not recognise the fingerprint or FaceID used, 3 times, you will be deregistered from using your myRAMS Mobile PIN fingerprint or FaceID login, however you will still be able to enter your customer ID and myRAMS Password. Once you successfully log back in using your customer ID and myRAMS Password, you can reregister for myRAMS Mobile PIN fingerprint or FaceID login immediately if you wish.

If you enter your customer ID or myRAMS Password incorrectly on 3 consecutive occasions, your myRAMS access privileges may be suspended and you will be unable to obtain access to myRAMS. If this occurs, please contact 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267 during contact centre hours.

13.5 You must not interfere

You agree not to interfere with or damage any customer ID number, password, data or software associated with myRAMS (or attempt to do so).

14. What if your myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN is lost, stolen, misused or revealed?

You must tell us as soon as possible if you know or suspect that the security of your myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN has been breached - such as if it is lost or stolen or someone else knows it, or has made unauthorised use of it to access myRAMS - otherwise, you may be liable for unauthorised use - see clause 15.

To notify us, call 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267 (or +61 2 9647 6967 if outside Australia) during contact centre hours providing details of how the security breach occurred. We will give you a reference number that verifies the date and time you contacted us. We will then cancel your myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN and issue you with a new myRAMS Password. This replacement myRAMS Password is valid only for 10 minutes. You will need to log into myRAMS with your customer ID and replacement myRAMS Password, and change the replacement myRAMS Password to a new myRAMS Password of your choice within that time, in order to keep using myRAMS. (You can only do this by logging in from a computer as you cannot change your myRAMS Password if you access myRAMS using your mobile device.) Once you have changed your myRAMS Password, you may reregister for myRAMS Mobile PIN or fingerprint login for your mobile device after you have logged into myRAMS with your customer ID and myRAMS Password on your mobile device, if you wish.

If you cannot notify us because the phone line is unavailable, then, despite anything in clause 15, you are not liable for any unauthorised transaction that could have been prevented if you had been able to tell us, provided you tell us within a reasonable time after the phone line becomes available again.

15. Liability for unauthorised transactions

15.1 What is an unauthorised transaction?

An unauthorised transaction is a transaction made using myRAMS which is neither made by you nor made by someone else with your knowledge and consent.

15.2 When you are not liable or are only liable up to $150

You are not liable for any loss resulting from an unauthorised transaction made using myRAMS:    

  • if it is clear that you have not contributed to the loss
  • if the transaction occurs before you receive your myRAMS Password
  • if the transaction occurs after you notify RAMS that your myRAMS Password has been misused, lost, stolen or become known to someone else
  • that is caused by the fraudulent or negligent action of RAMS, its employees or agents or companies involved in any relevant networking arrangements
  • that is caused by our fraudulent or negligent actions, or those of our employees or agents
  • that relates to a component (such as a myRAMS Password or customer ID number) which is expired, cancelled, faulty or forged, or
  • that is caused by the same transaction being incorrectly debited more than once to the same account.         

Otherwise, your liability for unauthorised myRAMS transactions is normally limited to:   

  • $150
  • the available redraw of the accounts on which the unauthorised transactions were made on the days on which they were made, or
  • the actual loss incurred before you notify us under clause 14 (up to the daily limit),  

whichever is the smallest amount.  

15.3 When you may be more liable

If we prove (on the balance of probabilities) that you have contributed to the losses from unauthorised transactions by:   

  • voluntarily disclosing both your customer ID number and myRAMS Password; or myRAMS Mobile PIN to anyone, including a family member or friend
  • voluntarily disclosing your myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN to anyone (including a family member or friend) where we prove, on the balance of probabilities, this was more than 50% responsible for the losses
  • keeping a record of your customer ID number and myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN (without making any reasonable attempt to disguise them) on one item or separately but on items that are liable to be lost or stolen together
  • selecting a myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN which represents your birth date or an alphabetical code which is a recognisable part of your name immediately after you were specifically instructed not to select such a myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN and were warned of the consequences of doing so
  • acting with extreme carelessness in failing to protect the security of your myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN, or
  • being fraudulent,  

then you are liable for the actual losses incurred up to the time you notify us that the security of your myRAMS Password or myRAMS Mobile PIN has been breached or that you suspect an unauthorised transaction.

Also, if we prove (on the balance of probabilities) that you have contributed to the losses from unauthorised transactions by unreasonably delaying in notifying us, then you will be liable for any losses incurred in the period between when you became aware (or should reasonably have become aware) of the security breach and when you actually notified us, if those losses could have been prevented by prompt notification.

However, in each case under this clause 15.3, you are not liable for losses to the extent that they:   

  • exceed the available redraw of an account on the days the unauthorised transactions were made;
  • exceed on any one day the daily limit; or
  • relate to accounts that you and we had not agreed to be accessible using myRAMS.   

15.4 ePayments Code limit on your liability

Despite anything else in these terms and conditions, your liability for unauthorised transactions is not more than your liability under the ePayments Code.

16. If we make a mistake or myRAMS malfunctions

If we process a money transfer or Biller Payment other than in accordance with the instructions you have given us using myRAMS - such as if we make the transfer or payment to the wrong person or for an amount more than you specified - and we debit your Account accordingly, we will credit that transfer or payment (or the amount of the excess transfer or payment) (and any related interest, fees and charges) to your Account.

If myRAMS accepts your instructions for a transaction but fails to process the transaction due to a malfunction in our systems, we are liable for any damage you suffer as a result. However, if you knew (or should have known) that myRAMS was unavailable for use or malfunctioned when you confirmed the transaction, then our liability is limited to correcting any errors in your Account and refunding any associated charges or fees.

Also, see clause 20 for limits on our liability if you do not receive an SMS while registered for SMS Notifications or SMS Security.

17. Mistaken Biller Payments

17.1 Dealing with mistaken Biller Payments

If you make a mistake in a Biller Payment using myRAMS, contact us as soon as possible on 13 RAMS, that’s 13 7267 during contact centre hours giving full details so we can find the transaction and take action. 

  • If you make a mistake in a Biller Payment using myRAMS:  
  • by paying too little, you can make another Biller Payment, using the "Pay Now" facility, to cover the shortfall
  • by paying too much or paying someone other than the Biller you intended to pay, we try to recover the excess or wrong payment from the recipient but, if we are not successful within 20 Banking Days, you are liable for the unrecovered amount (however, you may then liaise directly with the receiving Biller to try to correct the error), or
  • because you are fraudulently induced to make the Biller Payment, either the recipient must refund the payment, or, to the extent it does not, any other person in the BPAY scheme who should reasonably have been aware of the fraud must refund the payment. Failing this, you are liable for the payment.   

The longer you delay between making a wrong Biller Payment and telling us about it, the more difficult it may be to correct the mistake - for example, because relevant records or information may have been deleted. In this case, you may need to rely on your own records to show that an error has occurred.

You may need to help us to try to recover a wrong or fraudulent payment - see clause 17.2.

17.2 We may need information from you

If you tell us that a Biller Payment made from your Account using myRAMS was unauthorised or was made to the wrong Biller (whether because we made a mistake in processing or because you entered the wrong Biller details), you must give us a written consent document. The consent must be addressed to the Biller that received the Biller Payment and must consent to that Biller disclosing to us or RAMS information about your Account with that Biller or the Biller Payment, including your customer reference number and any other information we reasonably require to investigate or try to correct the Biller Payment. (If you do not give this consent, the Biller may be prohibited by law from disclosing the necessary information.)

If we consider it necessary for us to meet our regulatory and compliance obligations, you must provide us with any information we reasonably request. If you do not provide us with this information, we may be unable to provide you with access to myRAMS.

18 Mistaken internet payments

This clause 18 does not apply to Biller Payments (see clause 17). 

18.1 Reporting mistaken internet payments

You should report mistaken internet payments to us as soon as possible after you become aware of them. You can report mistaken internet payments to us by:   

  • calling us on 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267 if calling within Australia during contact centre hours; or
  • calling us on +61 2 9647 6967 if calling outside Australia during contact centre hours; or
  • completing the form available on myRAMS if within Australia or overseas.   

We will acknowledge receipt of your report and update your records with the date and time you made the report. 

18.2 Dealing with mistaken internet payments

Mistaken internet payments will be dealt with by us in accordance with the ePayments Code, where the ePayments Code applies to the payment. Clauses 18.3 and 18.4 provide a summary of the processes in the ePayments Code. 

We may be the sending institution (where the payment is made from your account) or the receiving institution (where the payment is made to your account).

If you notify us of a mistaken internet payment to which the ePayments Code applies, and we are the sending institution, then we will let you know, either in writing or electronically, of the outcome in relation to the mistaken internet payment within 30 business days from the day you notify us.

Where a financial institution other than us is the receiving or sending financial institution, we cannot guarantee that it will follow the processes in the ePayments Code. A financial institution is unlikely to follow these processes if it is not an authorised deposit-taking institution for the purposes of the Banking Act 1959 (Cth). We are not liable for any loss suffered if it does not follow those processes.

Where the sending institution is not satisfied that a payment is a mistaken internet payment, it is not required to take any further action.

Notwithstanding anything set out below, where the unintended recipient of the mistaken internet payment is receiving income support payments from Centrelink, the receiving institution must recover funds from that recipient in accordance with the Code of Operation for Centrelink Direct Credit Payments.

Where you or another financial institution advises us that you are, or we think you may be, the sender or recipient of a mistaken internet payment, you must give us, as soon as reasonably practicable and within the time we request, any information we reasonably require to enable us to determine whether the payment was a mistaken internet payment. 

18.3 Where sufficient funds are available in the unintended recipient's account

Where the sending institution is satisfied that the mistaken internet payment occurred and there are sufficient credit funds available in the account of the unintended recipient to the value of the mistaken internet payment, the process that will apply will depend upon when the report of the mistaken internet payment is made:

Where the report is made within 10 business days of the payment:   

  • if the receiving institution is satisfied that a mistaken internet payment has occurred, it will return the funds to the sending institution within 5 business days of the request or any reasonably longer period up to a maximum of 10 business days.   

Where the report is made between 10 business days and 7 months of the payment: 

  • the receiving institution will investigate the payment and complete the investigation within 10 business days of receiving a request;
  • if the receiving institution is satisfied that a mistaken internet payment has occurred, it will prevent the unintended recipient from withdrawing the funds for a further 10 business days and notify the unintended recipient that they will withdraw the funds if that recipient does not establish that they are entitled to the funds within that 10 day period.
  • If the unintended recipient does not establish they are entitled to the funds within that time, the receiving institution will return the funds to the sending institution within 2 business days of the end of that period.  

Where the report is made after 7 months of payment:  

  • If the receiving institution is satisfied a mistaken internet payment has occurred, it must seek the consent of the unintended recipient to return the funds.  

In each case where the receiving institution is not satisfied that a mistaken internet payment has occurred, it may (but is not required to) seek the consent of the unintended recipient to return the funds.

Where the funds are returned to the sending institution, it will return the funds to the holder as soon as practicable. 

18.4 Where sufficient funds are not available

Where both the sending and the receiving institution are satisfied that a mistaken internet payment has occurred but there are not sufficient credit funds available in the account of the unintended recipient, the receiving institution will use reasonable endeavours to recover the funds from the unintended recipient.

18.5 Where you receive a mistaken internet payment


  • both we and the receiving institution are satisfied that a payment made to your Account is a mistaken internet payment;
  • sufficient credit funds are available in your Account to the value of that payment; and
  • the mistaken internet payment is reported 7 months or less after the payment; and
  • for mistaken internet payments reported between 10 business days and 7 months of the payment, you do not establish that you are entitled to the payment within the relevant 10 business day period referred to in clause 18.3,   

we will, without your consent, deduct from your Account an amount equal to that mistaken payment and send that amount to the financial institution of the payer in accordance with clause 18.3 above.

If there are insufficient funds in your Account, you must co-operate with us to facilitate payment by you of an amount of the mistaken internet payment to the payer.

We can prevent you from withdrawing funds the subject of a mistaken internet payment where we are required to do so to meet our obligations under the ePayments Code.

18.6 Liability for losses arising from internet payments

You must ensure that internet payment details are correct. You are solely responsible for providing correct payment details including amount and Payee details. We will return to you any funds recovered by us on your behalf from an unintended recipient in respect of a mistaken internet payment but otherwise have no liability to you for any payment made in accordance with details provided by you including mistaken internet payments.

19. Currency and availability of information

Information available through myRAMS concerning transactions and balances may not always be completely up to date, although in most cases should at least reflect the transactions and balances of an account up to the close of business on the previous Banking Day.

We try (without any legal obligation) to make myRAMS available at all times but this may not always be possible. For example, it will be unavailable while we carry out system maintenance. It may also be unavailable due to factors beyond our control, such as your Internet connection. If you cannot access myRAMS at any other time, please call RAMS, that's 13 7267 so that we can investigate.

Also see clause 9.4.

We use a very high level of encryption to protect your transactions and Accounts from unauthorised access. The use of such encryption may be illegal in certain jurisdictions. It is your responsibility to ensure that the local law permits you to use myRAMS.

20. Our liability is limited

We are not liable for any damage you suffer (including consequential loss):   

  • as a result of us cancelling or suspending your right to make payments or your use of a particular payment method
  • by accessing, or being unable to access, myRAMS (whether in a particular jurisdiction or otherwise)
  • if we delay, block, freeze or refuse a transaction
  • where, even though you are registered for SMS Notifications, you do not receive an SMS confirmation when funds are debited from an account, or
  • where, even though you are registered for SMS Security, you do not receive an SMS with a security code when trying to make a transaction or change described in clause 7.2.   

This clause does not apply where the damage arises from our negligence or wilful default, or negligence or wilful default by our agents (including RAMS). 

21. Your email address and Mobile Phone number

For security purposes, we recommend you don’t use a shared email address or mobile phone number for your myRAMS Account.

We may use your email address to advise you of any enhancements or other changes to myRAMS which may alter our deliver of, or your ability to use, myRAMS or send you an email notification to tell you the changes are available for viewing within myRAMS or on a website. If you do not provide us with a correct email address, you may not receive important information about myRAMS.

We may use your Mobile Phone number to send you SMS Security codes, SMS notifications and any information relevant to this service. If you do not provide us with your correct Mobile Phone number, you may not be notified of this information. You will be notified of any changes to our records of your Mobile Phone number via an SMS to both your old and new Mobile Phone numbers.

You need to keep your email address and Mobile Phone number current. You may update them using the "My Details" option in myRAMS or by calling the RAMS Customer Service Team on 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267 during contact centre hours.

22. Complaints

If you think there has been a mistake in a transaction or an unauthorised transaction has been made through myRAMS or you have another issue please contact us.

It is your responsibility to, firstly, notify us of the situation. To do this, contact us via:   

  • Phone: 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267 within Australia (+61 2 9647 6967 if outside Australia) during contact centre hours
  • Email: via our website -
  • Mail: Locked bag 5001, Concord West NSW 2138  

We will acknowledge your complaint as soon as we receive it. It is essential that you give us all the information you have to help us resolve your concern.

We will aim to resolve the matter when you first contact us. If we cannot resolve your issue there and then, we will commit to taking the following steps: 

  • Let you know who is handling your complaint.
  • Keep you informed of what is happening.
  • Aim to resolve your complaint within 5 working days. 

In some circumstances it may take us more than 5 working days to fully resolve your complaint. If this occurs, then within 21 days of receipt of your complaint we will either provide you with our response to your complaint, or we will advise you that we need more time to complete the investigation.

Unless there are exceptional circumstances, we will complete our investigation within 45 days of receipt of your complaint. If we are not able to provide you with a response to your complaint within this time, then we will inform you of:  

  • the reasons for the delay;
  • the date when a decision can be reasonably be expected;
  • your right to lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority;
  • the contact details of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority. 

If we do take longer than 45 days to resolve your complaint then we will provide you with monthly updates on our progress, unless we are waiting for a response from you which we have told you we require. 

By using myRAMS you agree that we may advise you of the progress and resolution of your complaint in writing or verbally as we consider appropriate. Unless we resolve the matter within 5 working days, we will always advise you in writing of the outcome of your complaint and the reasons for the outcome.

Please note that we comply with the ePayments Code complaint investigation and resolution procedures in connection with electronic funds transfer transactions to which the ePayments Code applies.

What if you feel your complaint has not been resolved?

If you are not satisfied with our response, you may be able to lodge a complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority. Their contact details are:

Phone: 1800 931 678
Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3 Melbourne VIC 3001 

The Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) also has a freecall Infoline - 1300 300 630. You can use this number to make a complaint and to obtain further information about your rights.

23. ePayments Code and the Banking Code of Practice

The ePayments Code governs certain electronic payments to or from your Account where you are an individual. (e.g. making payments using myRAMS). We will comply with the ePayments Code where it applies.

The Australian Banking Association’s banking code of practice as updated, and adopted by us, from time to time (Banking Code) sets out the standards of practice and service in the Australian banking industry for individuals and small business customers, and their guarantors who are individuals. 

The relevant provisions of the Banking Code apply to the banking services referred to in these terms and conditions. This means that we will comply with the Banking Code, where it applies to the banking services provided to you.

You can view a copy of the Banking Code on our website or ask us for a hard copy over the phone. 

24. Changes to these terms and conditions

There may be times when we need to make changes to these terms and conditions. When we make changes, we will always act fairly and reasonably towards you in a consistent and ethical manner.

We’ll only make changes which apply generally to:

(a) all customers who use myRAMS;

(b) accounts of a particular type or with a particular feature; or

(c) customers in a particular group or who share a particular feature (e.g. all customers who opened accounts during a certain period).

An exception to this is where we decide to lower the daily limit on your Account, in which case the change may apply only to you. We may lower your daily limit where:

(a) no activity has occurred on your Account for an extended period (usually 3 months or more); or

(b) we consider it necessary to reduce the limit to restore security to myRAMS or your Accounts.

If we impose a new fee or charge (other than a government charge) in relation to the use of my RAMS, then we will give you at least 30 days' notice either in writing or electronically.   If there is a change to, or an introduction, of a government charge that you pay directly, or indirectly, as part of your banking service we will tell you about the introduction or change reasonably promptly after the government notifies us (however, we do not have to tell you about the change if the government publicises the introduction or change).

If we:  

  • increase fees or charges relating solely to the use of myRAMS (including any charge for performing transactions using myRAMS), or the issue or replacement of your customer ID number or myRAMS Password  
  • increase your liability for losses relating to transactions using myRAMS
  • impose, remove or adjust a daily limit or other periodic transaction limit applying to your use of myRAMS, or
  • no longer offer the myRAMS product, 

we will give you at least 30 days' notice in writing or electronically.

If we make any other change, we will give you notice as soon as reasonably possible, unless we believe the change is unfavourable to you in which case we will give you at least 30 days’ prior notice.  We will notify you before the change takes effect in writing or electronically: 

  • by including a notice on or with your account statement
  • by publishing a press advertisement in a major newspaper, or
  • through a notice that appears when you login to myRAMS.   

If there are a lot of important changes, or there are a large number of changes, we will send you a written notice (either in writing or electronically) which sets out all the changes to be made to the terms and conditions. 

However, we may not give you notice where an immediate change is necessary to restore or maintain the security of myRAMS or your Accounts.   We may also give you a shorter notice period (or no notice) of an unfavourable change if we believe doing so is necessary for us to avoid, or to reduce, a material increase in our credit risk or our loss.

25.  Open Banking - Consumer Data Right

Open Banking gives you the ability to share your banking information with other parties you trust, including other banks, online. To use Open Banking and share your data, you will need to be registered for myRAMS as well as satisfy other eligibility criteria. If you ask us to share your data via Open Banking, this will not affect any existing data sharing permissions on your Account in myRAMS. 

From 4 August 2022:  

  • eligible joint accounts held by individual customers will have the ability to share data with trusted third parties  
  • we will enable all eligible joint accounts for data sharing  

Once the joint account is enabled, any Open Banking data sharing authorisations created by one account holder are taken to have been pre-approved by all account holders. This means that any joint account holder can authorise us to share data on the joint account with an Accredited Data Recipient, without requiring further approval from any other joint account holder, when we receive a valid data sharing request from an Accredited Data Recipient in respect of that joint account. This is despite any existing banking authorities such as ‘more than 1 to sign’ relating to the joint account. 

The data sharing consent status of joint accounts can be managed in myRAMS.

Any account holder can set the joint account for data sharing to ‘disabled'. Once the data sharing is ‘disabled’:

(a) data sharing will immediately cease for the joint account with respect to any existing data sharing consents; 

(b) no account owner will be able to share data from that account; and

(c) any subsequent request to enable data sharing on the joint account will need to be approved by all joint account holders within a specified period of time.

Joint account holders will be notified whenever the data sharing status of the joint account changes. Account holders will also be notified when another joint account holder creates, amends or withdraws an authorisation to share data with an Authorised Data Recipient or an authorisation has expired, unless the joint account holder has nominated not to receive these notifications.

Visit our Open Banking page for further information as well as a list of eligible accounts.

26. When will these terms and conditions end?

You may stop your use of myRAMS at any time by calling us on 13 RAMS, that's 13 7267 during contact centre hours. We may stop your use of myRAMS by providing you with 20 days’ notice either in writing or electronically.

In certain circumstances, we may also suspend your access to myRAMS - see clause 9.4. 

27. Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing obligations

You should be aware and you agree that:  

  • transactions may be delayed, blocked, frozen or refused where we have reasonable grounds to believe that they breach Australian law or sanctions (or the law or sanctions of any other country). Where transactions are delayed, blocked, frozen or refused we and our correspondents are not liable for any loss you suffer (including consequential loss) howsoever caused in connection with your use of myRAMS
  • we may from time to time require additional information from you to assist us in the above compliance process, and you must provide that information
  • where legally obliged to do so, we will disclose the information gathered to regulatory and/or law enforcement agencies, other banks, other members of the Westpac Group, service providers or to other third parties  

 You provide us the following undertakings and indemnify us against any potential losses arising from any breach of such undertakings:   

  • you will not initiate, engage in or effect a transaction that may be in breach of Australian law or sanctions (or the law or sanctions of any other country)
  • the underlying activity/product for which myRAMS is being provided does not breach any Australian law or sanctions (or the law or sanctions of any other country).   

28. Reading these terms and conditions

If (without this paragraph) any provision of these terms and conditions would be void, unenforceable or breach a law, these terms and conditions are to be read as if that provision (or the offending part of the provision) was varied to the extent necessary to make it valid, enforceable or comply with the law, or if that is not possible, omitted.

29. Governing law

This agreement and the transactions carried out under it using myRAMS are governed by the law in force in New South Wales. Both you and we submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that State.

30. Words with special meanings

Word Meaning
Access Code Means any one or more of your myRAMS Password, myRAMS Mobile PIN, SMS Security codes and any other code we provide you (or permit you to choose) from time to time, that enables you to log in or use myRAMS and which you are required to keep secret.
Accessible Account Has the meaning given in clause 2.
Account Has the meaning given in clause 2.
 Accredited Data Recipient Has the same meaning as is defined in the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. An accredited data recipient has been accredited by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to receive consumer data to provide a product or service.
Available redraw In relation to an Account, has the meaning given in the loan agreement for that Account.
Banking Day A day other than a Saturday or Sunday or a public, special or bank holiday in New South Wales
Biller An organisation which issues bills to customers, where the bills can be paid by a customer using BPAY.  Also see clause 5.1. 
Biller Payment A payment to a Biller using BPAY.
BPAY The electronic payments scheme through which you can instruct us to make payments on your behalf to Billers.
 Contact centre hours Please see our Contact us page for contact centre hours.
 Customer ID number The eight digit Customer Identification Number by which RAMS identifies you.
 Daily limits Has the meaning given in clause 8.
 Damage Means loss or damage and includes both direct and consequential loss or damage.
 EFT Electronic Funds Transfer.
 ePayments Code The ePayments Code is an industry code governing certain electronic payments.
 For example, including or such as When introducing an example does not limit the meaning of the words to which the example relates to that example or examples of a similar kind.
 Mistaken internet payment Means a payment, other than one made using BPAY, by an individual through the 'Move money' internet banking facility and processed through direct entry where the funds are paid into the account of an unintended recipient because the individual enters or selects a BSB number and/or identifier that does not belong to the intended recipient as a result of the individual's error or the individual being advised of the wrong BSB number and/or identifier.
 Mobile Phone If you are registered for SMS Security and/or SMS Notifications, the mobile telephone device with the telephone number that you have registered as the Mobile Phone to which SMS and notifications should be sent by SMS.
myRAMS The service that we make available through the internet to enable you to make transactions and view information in connection with your accounts over the internet (whether using a computer or suitable mobile device)
 myRAMS Mobile The mobile optimised version of myRAMS which enables you to make certain transactions and view information in connection with your accounts on your mobile devices.
 myRAMS Mobile PIN The 4 digit PIN that you can set up to log into myRAMS Mobile after you have first logged in using your customer ID and myRAMS Password.
 myRAMS Password The 8 character password which we issue to you on registering for myRAMS or any other 8 to 30 character password you or we change it to from time to time.
 Open Banking or Consumer Data Right The Australian regulatory regime established under PartIVD of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 that enables access to information about RAMS’ goods or services, and enables disclosure by RAMS of specific data relating to a customer (including individual, trust or company customers), held by RAMS, to the consumer or to Accredited Data Recipients.
 Payee An individual or entity (other than yourself) who has an account into which you transfer or intend to transfer money.
 RAMS RAMS Financial Group Pty Limited (ABN30 105 207 538 AR 405465 Australian credit licence 388065) and its successors and assigns.
 SMS Notifications The optional alerts service described in clause 7.
 SMS Security The optional additional security service described in clause 7.     
 We Westpac Banking Corporation (ABN 33 007 457 141 AFSL and Australian credit licence 233714) (Westpac) and its successors and assigns.
 You The account holder who has accepted these terms and conditions.

Clause headings do not affect the interpretation of clauses.

Unless the context requires otherwise, the singular includes the plural and vice versa.

A reference to:   

  • a time means that time in Sydney
  • a document includes any variation or replacement of it.  

myRAMS is provided to you by:

Westpac Banking Corporation
275 Kent St, Sydney NSW 2000

RAMS is a wholly owned subsidiary and an authorised representative of Westpac. RAMS is authorised by Westpac to distribute myRAMS.

Unisys Mortgage Processing (No. 1) Pty Ltd ABN 29 147 490 819 (UMP) is authorised to provide financial services, including call centre and other administrative services in relation to myRAMS, as an authorised representative of Westpac. UMP can be contacted through any of the following channels:

Telephone: 13 7267
Mail: Locked Bag 5001, Concord West, NSW 2138
Terms and Conditions - Effective 4 August 2022