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Identification checklist

To set you up as a customer we’ll need some identification documents so we know you’re who you say you are.

Identification Checklist for Individual Customers

Thank you for your interest in RAMS. In order to establish you as a customer, you will need to provide us with various identification documents. The checklist below contains details of the types of documents we may require. Further information may be collected from you to support the establishment process, if required. All documents should be current unless otherwise stated.

If you are applying for a deposit account only online, then you will need: 

  • Driver’s licence issued in Australia; and
  • Medicare Card 

Otherwise the manual ID process can be completed at any Westpac, St George, Bank SA or Bank of Melbourne branch with the below documents.

Documents required:

Please provide the following from one of the below options:

ONE Primary Photographic Identification Document


One Primary Non-Photographic Identification Document and ONE Secondary Identification Document

Note: One form of identification MUST contain date of birth details.

Primary photographic identification documents

Australian passport (can either be current or expired within the last 2 years but must not be cancelled, defaced or mutilated)^
Foreign passport issued by a foreign government, the United Nations or an agency of the United Nations (must not be cancelled, defaced or mutilated)^
Foreign travel document issued by a foreign government, the United Nations or an agency of the United Nations^
Australian licence/permit (can either be a driver’s licence, learner’s permit)^
Foreign driver’s licence which contains a photograph^^
Proof of age card issued by a State or Territory (or equivalent)^
National identity card issued by a foreign government, the United Nations or an agency of the United Nations^
Westpac AML approved Indigenous Community Card
Primary non-photographic identification documents

Full Australian birth certificate (or extract) issued by State/Territory Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
Full Foreign birth certificate issued by a foreign government, the United Nations or an agency of the United Nations
Australian citizenship certificate
Citizenship certificate issued by a foreign government
Centrelink pension card (Australian)
A completed Remote Indigenous Communities verification form (can be obtained from any Westpac Group Branch)
Secondary identification documents
A financial benefits notice issued by the Commonwealth or a State/Territory within the last 12 months and includes the customer’s name and residential address (e.g. a notice from Centrelink)
Australian Taxation Office (ATO) notice issued within the last 12 months and includes the customer’s name and residential address
Utilities notice issued by a local government or utilities provider within the last 3 months and includes the customer’s name and residential address
Foreign driver’s licence which does not contain a photograph
Department of Veterans’ Affairs pension concession card (Australian)
A current tenancy/lease agreement (must not be cancelled or expired)
Medicare card
Australian Marriage certificate issued by State/Territory Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
Identification card issued to a student at an Australian higher education institution (TAFE or University)^^
A current card issued under a Commonwealth, State or Territory law for the purpose of identification

^ Must contain photograph and signature ^^ Must contain photograph and / or signature

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