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Budget planner calculator

RAMS mortgage calculators can give you an estimate of what your repayments could be, based on your home loan amount, your loan type and the interest rate you think you'll be paying.

Budget planner calculator

Having a clear idea of what your budget looks like, by combining multiple income and expense flows, allows you to plan ahead, work out where your money is going, and what your net disposable income is after tax.

Do you wish to calculate your budget? Our handy tool can help! For best results, fill in a few details, select your income and expense items from the list (or create your own) to plan your budget and estimate how much you could save towards your life goals.

Budget calculator

Other calculators you might want to check out

Whether buying a new home, refinancing an existing home loan or investing in property, RAMS mortgage calculators can give you an estimate of what your repayments could be, based on your home loan amount, your loan type and the interest rate you think you'll be paying. Once you get an idea of your mortgage repayments from the calculator, together with the rest of your budget, you'll start to see whether you can realistically afford the home you want to buy. Your local RAMS franchisee can also help guide you through this process.

Borrowing calculator

Whether buying your own home or an investment property, your ability to do so will largely depend on affordability. Having an honest look at your current salary, debts and expenses will assist in establishing your borrowing power - which is the estimated amount your home loan lender might lend you, based on your current circumstances.

Upfront and ongoing costs calculator

Fees and costs when buying a house are not limited to the agreed property price. Government fees, Lenders Mortgage Insurance (where applicable), council rates and utilities all add up. That’s on top of upfront costs such as conveyancing fees, property inspections and removal costs. 

Stamp duty calculator

Don't be surprised by unexpected costs when buying a home. RAMS stamp duty calculator will show you how much in government fees and charges you can expect to pay in the state or territory you’re buying in. 

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