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Our history

RAMS is different. Since 1995, we’ve been helping Australians realise the ‘great Australian dream’ of home ownership by providing affordable, simple yet flexible home loans.

About RAMS

RAMS is different. Since 1995, we’ve been helping Australians realise the ‘great Australian dream’ of home ownership by providing affordable, simple yet flexible home loans.

To make the savings of deposits and the management of your home loan finances even more integrated and cost effective, RAMS also provides: 

  • RAMS Saver – an online savings account offering bonus interest rate to help customers save
  • RAMS Action – an everyday transaction bank account conveniently managed online via myRAMS; plus, can be linked to an eligible RAMS home loan to take advantage of 100% offset
  • Access to a range of related insurance products 

Community based. Community focused

There are over 70 RAMS Home Loan Centres in both metropolitan and regional areas, with more centres opening around Australia regularly.

And for added convenience, if you’re unable to make it to a RAMS Home Loan Centre during normal business hours, an experienced mortgage specialist can visit your home or office.

RAMS: our history

Formed in 1991 as 'Registered Australian Mortgage Securities’ (RAMS) 

RAMS Home Loans brand launched to the retail market in 1995

Services and home loan products initially made available to customers via its call centre, website and a team of mobile RAMS Home Loan Managers

In 2002, two RAMS Home Loan Centres were opened on a trial basis proving extremely popular with customers

In early 2003, RAMS rolled out a proprietary franchise network across Australia, which was complemented by third party brokers

July 2007, RAMS Home Loans Group Ltd (RHG) listed on the Australian Stock Exchange

January 2008, the RAMS brand and distribution business was bought by Westpac Banking Corporation

May 2012, RAMS launched savings and transaction accounts.

Government guaranteed deposits

The Financial Claims Scheme (FCS) is the Australian Government’s guarantee on deposits, which is administered by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA). 

The FCS provides a guarantee for deposits of eligible authorised deposit taking institutions (ADIs) including Australian banks, building societies and credit unions. 

APRA is responsible for the administration of the FCS and for making payments to account holders in the unlikely event of the failure of their ADI. Payments under the FCS are subject to a limit for each depositor.

The FCS applies to deposits held in Westpac Banking Corporation, which includes RAMS accounts which are issued by Westpac Banking Corporation, and includes its Divisions St.George Bank, Bank of Melbourne and BankSA.

Like to know more?  

Visit APRA Financial Claims Scheme 

Call APRA on 1300 55 88 49 (if calling from within Australia) or +61 2 8037 9015 (if calling from outside Australia).